

Your gallery decluttered.

Free your gallery from unnecessary images and videos with playful ease.

Mockup of the App

Making big impact with small steps

Clean up your gallery sustainably with Cleanside.

Intuitive Swipe Principle

Streamline your photo organization and reduce the time spent sorting with just a few simple swipes

Playful Approach

Stay engaged with gamification. Cleanside turns cleaning up not just into an easy task, but a fun one too!

Save Storage Space

Keep your gallery in check and save valuable storage space by optimizing with Cleanside.

Download the app and get started right away!

Effortlessly sort your gallery to make room for the truly important moments.

Mockup of App in a set up environment

Cleaning up with fun

How It Works

1. Simply Start

Install the app and get going in seconds. Begin your journey to a neatly organized gallery!

Step 1 of the explaining steps for the app

2. Swipe images

Effortlessly sort your pictures with simple swiping motions, arrangeing your images just the way you like.

Step 2 of the explaining steps for the app

3. Collect Achievements

Earn rewards for every swipe and stay motivated on your path to a perfectly sorted gallery

Step 3 of the explaining steps for the app

Protecting Your Images

Your Privacy.
Our Priority.

At Cleanside, your privacy is paramount. That’s why we never directly access your images. When using our app, we only store the ID of the images locally on your device. This is solely to ensure that the correct image is always displayed for you. Your personal files remain exactly where they belong โ€“ with you.

Mockup of App in a clean spatial environment

Ready for a Clean Gallery?

Get the App Now!

Mockup of the App with 2 devices layered above each other


Cleanside is an innovative app designed to make organizing your digital galleries both fun and aesthetically pleasing. With its intuitive swipe principle, you can effortlessly and entertainingly sort your files.

Cleanside isn’t just for tidying up individual files like photos and videos; it also offers the ability to sort folders from your filesystem on the phone.ย 

In Cleanside, rewards and achievements are granted directly for swiping images. You earn 15 XP for deleting a picture, 5 XP for keeping it, and 25 XP for sorting it into a folder. This gamified approach adds an extra layer of excitement to your organizing tasks.

Yes, with Cleanside, deleted images can be restored just like in the standard iOS Gallery, in the ‘Recently Deleted’ album for up to 30 days before they’re permanently removed. This gives you ample time to retrieve accidentally deleted files and ensures that nothing is lost irretrievably.

Our current focus is on developing and optimizing the app for Apple users. Plans for an Android version are not yet concrete. However, we’re keenly observing user feedback and may consider expanding to other platforms in the future, depending on response and demand. Stay updated for potential news on an Android version of Cleanside.